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 Other Services
Below are some of the other therapeutic techniques and modalities Catherine offers. You and she work together to determine the optimal approach for you.
    Energy Psychology

The term "Energy Psychology" refers to a family of rapid-effectiveness tools that utilize the body's energy pathways ("meridians"), energy centers ("chakras") and biofield ("aura") in order to heal emotional, spiritual and mind/body issues. Developed by scientists, psychologists, nurses and other healing arts professionals, Energy Psychology addresses not just the mind, body or spirit, but the entire human vibrational matrix.

The Energy Psychology modalities offered by Catherine include the following:
Emotional Freedom Technique 
Advanced Integrative Therapy 
Tapas Acupressure Technique 

 Intuitive Readings  

Intuitive channeling and psychic communication are often part of the session. Catherine is an experienced channel and medium who may communicate with your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, or other spirits and Light Beings. Psychic readings are for entertainment purposes only. Catherine can only "read" the snapshot of energy presented during the session. Because choices and energies are constantly changing, she cannot guarantee accurate prediction of future events.